College is a time to explore, but one mistake could take options off the table.
While school should be the priority, social life plays a huge role in the college setting. Sometimes college students do things they would not ordinarily do just to fit in. College students are most vulnerable facing alcohol-related consequences their first six weeks on campus.
They are new to campus and want to make friends. They go to a party. At the party, peers drinking alcohol surround them. Maybe they decide to drink. Maybe they drink too much. Since they do not know their limit, this puts them at risk to drink and drive. Ramifications may follow after a college student is arrested for driving under the influence.
In that situation, it would be best to talk to your child to let them know there are options to minimize the damage once charged for a DUI. Nonetheless, that one mistake may have serious, long-term consequences that could put their future in jeopardy.
Possible College Disciplinary Actions for DUI
A college institution could take action for a DUI charge if they choose. Expulsion, academic probation or losing a scholarship are just a few disciplinary actions a college may enforce.
There are certain career fields, such as healthcare, a DUI could potentially take off the table. That may mean a college student may have to switch majors or an area of study, so they can use their degree after college.
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Benefits to Having a Clean Record
When seeking admission into a graduate school, a college may throw out an application due to criminal history. In a competitive application process, this could be a factor that ultimately results in rejection.
Employment Consequences
In school, your child may want a part-time job. However, with a DUI charge it may be difficult for them. An employer may see their criminal history and decide against hiring them. If your child needs a job to keep up with tuition or paying for their books, this is an added obstacle that may make the process of staying in college more difficult. Beyond college, this could affect your child’s pursuit of a career. When your child applies for employment positions, the DUI may show up on future background checks.
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